aboriginal live music restaurant
現場Live Band 演唱
精緻小點 Snacks
慶祝Celebrate with us
Happy Hour 特價時段
Between 5-7pm
每晚19:00-21:00 pm 特別邀請知名原住民歌手駐店演唱,千萬不要錯過!
We invite the mostly famous aboriginal singers to sing every single night . Don't miss it !
由主廚及所有美食團隊,精心設 計之創意異國風味的精緻小點,適 合搭配各類酒類,您一定要試試 看。
There are creatives and exquisites snakes designed by our chef and teams . it's suitable for all of wines. Must try!
我們提供各類型充滿創意的慶祝活動,舉凡求婚、生日趴、週年慶、結婚紀念日、婚禮、主題趴、畢業謝師趴、熟女之夜、告別單身.....歡迎來電與店長諮詢。 We offer ceeatives celebrations of all types , such as marriage , proposal, birthday party, anniversary, wedding ,different theme party ,graduation, please contact us to get more informations.
每週一至五下午5到7點,特別提供啤酒買一送一。兩人同行加贈精緻下酒小點ㄧ份。 Monday to Friday from 17:00-19:00 pm, It's happy hour promotion ,we offer beer to buy 1 get 1 free. Also, if two people accompanying will get a special homemade dish for free.